Bump and Style: What to Wear During Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a time of incredible transformation, and your wardrobe will need to adapt to accommodate your growing baby bump. However, being pregnant doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice style or comfort. In this blog, we’ll guide you on what to wear during pregnancy, so you can embrace your changing body with confidence and flair.

1. Maternity Basics:

Invest in some key maternity wardrobe staples:

  • Maternity Jeans: These are designed with an expandable waistband that comfortably accommodates your growing belly.
  • Leggings: High-waisted maternity leggings are versatile and comfortable, perfect for both casual and semi-formal occasions.
  • Maternity Bras: A well-fitting maternity bra provides essential support and comfort. Consider getting fitted by a professional to ensure you have the right size.

2. Flowy Tops and Tunics:

Loose-fitting, flowy tops and tunics are your best friends during pregnancy. They provide ample room for your growing belly and can be dressed up or down. Pair them with leggings or maternity jeans for a chic and comfortable look.

3. Empire Waist Dresses:

Empire waist dresses have a high waistline that falls just below the bust, allowing plenty of room for your bump to grow. These dresses are not only stylish but also incredibly comfortable. Look for breathable fabrics like cotton or jersey.

4. Wrap Dresses:

Wrap dresses are a timeless choice for pregnancy. They accentuate your curves and can be adjusted as your bump grows. They’re suitable for both work and special occasions.

5. Layering Pieces:

Layering is a versatile way to expand your wardrobe. Invest in cardigans, blazers, and open-front sweaters that you can easily throw over your maternity tops or dresses. They add a touch of style and keep you warm on cooler days.

6. Maxi Dresses:

Maxi dresses are effortlessly chic and incredibly comfortable. They offer a long, flowy silhouette that works throughout your pregnancy. Choose patterns and prints that reflect your style.

7. Maternity Activewear:

Staying active during pregnancy is essential for your well-being. Invest in maternity activewear that provides support and comfort for your exercise routine. Look for moisture-wicking fabrics and a good fit.

8. Comfortable Footwear:

As your pregnancy progresses, your feet may swell, so opt for comfortable, supportive footwear. Flats, sneakers, and low-heeled shoes are excellent choices.

9. Nursing-Friendly Styles:

Consider buying a few nursing-friendly pieces, like wrap dresses or tops with discreet openings. These will come in handy once your baby arrives.

10. Accessories:

Accessories can elevate your maternity outfits. Scarves, statement necklaces, and belts above your bump can add flair to your look.

11. Undergarments:

Invest in comfortable and supportive maternity underwear and consider using belly bands for extra support.

12. Swimwear:

If your pregnancy coincides with the summer months, a comfortable and flattering maternity swimsuit or tankini is a must-have for cooling off and staying active.


Pregnancy is a beautiful journey, and your clothing choices can reflect your unique style and comfort preferences throughout this time. Invest in a mix of maternity basics and versatile pieces that can be mixed and matched to create stylish and comfortable outfits. Above all, remember that confidence and comfort are the keys to feeling and looking great during pregnancy. Enjoy this special time and embrace the changes in your body with grace and style!